Thank you for visiting our page! It is our hope that as you look around you will see that we are a church that enjoys community and loves the Lord. We embrace Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 22 to love God and to love people. In response to that we want to help equip believers for their daily walk while also creating an atmosphere that is conducive for individuals to get to know the Lord and to establish a relationship with Him. Each week we offer a Christ-centered worship service including contemporary worship and a practical, Bible-based message. Our Children’s ministry meets each Sunday morning, and our youth ministry is currently meeting on a monthly basis. If you haven’t already done so, please take the time to look at the different ministries and events happening at Pioneer.
New Here
If you and/or your family are looking for a church to call home, we would love to have you join us for one of our services. Feel free to let us know you are coming by sending us a message or simply show up. Check out our recent sermons, other areas of the website, and our social media page to get a better feel of our church.
Pioneer Church
- 615 Max Meadows Road
Mail: P.O. Box 163
Max Meadows, Virginia 24360 - Directions
- Phone (276)637-6861
Max Meadows, Virginia
3-6 inches of snow before dawn Wednesday through Wednesday evening
53° 21°
Feels Like: 24°Humidity: 74%
Wind: 11 MPH